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A Near Miss in Cambodia: A Lesson in Vigilance for Young Travelers

Aug 03, 2024

This story still shakes me to my core—a near miss that could have changed my life forever. For young women who choose to travel, understanding the dangers of human trafficking is crucial. Here's my tale from Cambodia, which serves as a stark reminder to always be vigilant.

The Allure of Sihanoukville

It was during an intrepid tour when I was in my early twenties that I found myself in Sihanoukville, a sleepy village in Cambodia that promised an amazing nightlife. The village seemed tranquil, but underneath the surface lurked dangers I never imagined encountering.

One evening, after a delightful dinner in what felt like a large cubby house on the beach, my fellow travelers and I decided to explore the beach bars. We ended up at a place called Momo’s. The atmosphere was filled with joy and the haze of alcohol, with everyone dancing the night away.

A Chilling Encounter

As an introvert, I often seek moments alone, even in the midst of a party. I stepped away from the dance floor and found myself at the bar, where I started chatting with the girls working there. They were from Australia and the UK, but something was off about them. Their overly cheerful demeanor and the hollow look in their eyes made me uneasy. They seemed brainwashed, like they were missing something vital.

Our conversation was casual at first, but then they mentioned Momo, their boss, who apparently wanted to meet me. The reverence they had for him was unnerving. When Momo finally approached, he offered me shots and encouraged me to dance on the bar. Fueled by false courage, I obliged, but what followed was a chilling proposition.

The Predator Reveals Himself

Momo invited me to live with him, promising unlimited weed (which I can't stand), freedom to have sex with whoever I wanted, as long as I worked at his bar, took care of his ten kids, and had sex with him whenever he desired. The realization hit me like a ton of bricks—he was a predator, a trafficker trying to lure me into a life of slavery.

I saw red. My instincts screamed danger, but in that moment, surrounded by other bar-goers, I knew he couldn't harm me. I confronted him, calling out his evil intentions and the brainwashing of the girls who worked for him. I told him to shove his offer and made it clear that I saw through his facade.

Escape and Reflection

Panic set in, and I immediately gathered my friends, urging them to leave with me. Thankfully, they believed me, and we all left together. That night, I cried, shaken by how close I had come to falling into a trafficker's trap. Yet, I was grateful I wasn't alone and had managed to escape.

This harrowing experience taught me an invaluable lesson: never to trust anyone blindly while traveling, especially sleazy bar owners who make grand promises. It's essential to have street smarts and be aware of the dangers lurking in seemingly harmless places.

A Cautionary Tale

I share this story for all the young, adventurous travelers out there. Stay vigilant, trust your instincts, and always prioritise your safety. There are bad people out there, but with awareness and caution, you can navigate the world and achieve your travel dreams without falling prey to predators.

Stay safe, stay smart, and continue exploring the beauty of the world with your eyes wide open.



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